Thursday, April 9, 2009

Welcome to the Wire!

Long discussed, occasionally acted upon and only now actually undertaken, this is the premier of the official Valley Wire blog.
The Valley Wire is a "tri-weekly" publication based in Osceola, Wisconsin. It was started in late 2007 by local newspaper writer and sports guru Garth Olsen.

( Insert photo of Garth's handsome mug HERE, then make cutesy comment on his clothing, hairstyle, or some other self-deprecating attempt at humor.)

The Valley Wire (hereafter referred to as "We) is rare in that it is the only FREE publication in the St. Croix Valley with widely diverse content. Others have offered free papers in the region, but they are usually comprised purely of ads and loosely-compiled promotions of said advertisers.
While we believe advertising is one of the greatest things ever invented, along with capitalism, flavored vodka and the ten-run-rule, we don't think it's the ONLY thing people should be allowed to read for free.

(Insert photos of US Constitution, a bottle of lime vodka and a baseball player jumping on home plate to win. Or not.) 

WE try to be interesting, entertaining and informative and, voila, FREE!

In it's nearly two years of existence, The Valley Wire has tackled such difficult and interesting issues as local celebs, 50-year-old UFO sightings, trout farming, candidate profiles, entrepreneurs and inventors, drug courts, basketball three-point-prowess, vegas and gaming, library ratings, Hollywood's local influence, the Mafia and the Valley, marathon running and healthy lifestyles, vintage travel trailers, Presidential rallies, conservative bloggers, liberal congressmen, lots of men's and women's high school sports, paint color naming, green dairy farming, and really cool photos when we don't have anything to write about.

There you go. We're now officially on the web, and while we won't have ALL Of our content featured, we may occasionally have a few things that did not make the paper, either because there wasn't enough room or it simply wasn't that great.

Bookmark us, support us, read us and by all means spread the word and the paper to all your friends, neighbors, enemies, relatives, their kids' teachers and their babysitters.

And feel free to comment or suggest stories, ideas or other important trivial matters.

After all, it's free.

1 comment:

  1. Garth you should look into writing an article about how they are removing wrestling from the Olympics....
